Saturday, 19 December 2015

Understanding Sunni and Shi'ite Muslim Sects

Curiosity, as they say, kills the cat. I saw a video of how these sunni and Shiite Muslims go to mosque and kill one another. I why brother shud kill brother. When I saw  a friend at the Dept of Islamic Studies at LASU, Sulaimon Yusuf , what he told me was so revealing. Don't think am holy cause am not. This is just question and answer of an authoritative source.

When prophet Muhammed SAW was alive, He was a Sunni because his deed and behaviour were all Sunnah. The Sunnah means 'the practice of prophet'  The Sunnis are those who emulate the practice of the prophet (SAW).

When he was alive, the prophet had four companions ; Abubarka, Umar, Uthman and Ali. When he died at 63 in Medina, Abubarka was appointed the Khalifa. Some followers were of happy with this. They thought Ali who was the prophet's cousin and in-law (he married Fatimoh) , shud have been appointed as the Khalifaa. The Pro Abubarka claimed that the prophet had diplomatically appointed him when he was alive. They cited a scenario when the prophet was ill and Abubarka was told by the prophet to lead prayer......

Abubarka himself died two years after apppointment but not without appointing Umar as his successor before death. This was second cheating to pro-Alis. Umar lead for over six years and died of course. He didn't appoint anybody before death so the race was then between Uthman and Ali.

The council picked Uthman again and this was third cheating to pro-Alis. Uthman first six years was peaceful but his second six was full of internal rancour. He died after 12 years and Uthman's brother, Ma'wiyyah accused Ali camp of having hands in death of his brother. So when the council finally appointed Ali, Ma'wiyyah claimed himself to be the right person to lead the Caliphate.

In Ali's caliphate, Ma'wiyyah became a thorn in the flesh. The reign was not peaceful so arbitrary panel was called and the Caliphate was partitioned. The Ali camp was named #Shhite which means in Arabic 'the people that get separated. They have their new political and theological doctrine. The are mostly in the present day #Iran. They believe Abubarka, Umar and Uthman were betrayals and liars.

The other way to define Shi'ite is ' The followers of Ali and his family'. History had it that Hassan and Hussein, the the two children of Ali and grand children of Muhammed SAW were killed by MA'wiyyah camp. The Shi'ite alwaz go to Karbala till today to remember the death of Hussein  who was murdered in cold blood.

This is a story that sounds like the Jewish and Isreal case where brothers kill brothers for control of kingdom that God had already designed.

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