Friday, 25 December 2015

My Husband Treat me Like a Dog

Her name is Kathryn .her husband treat her like a dog. She dresses him from head to toe every say like he is kind of disabled (he is not). He makes sure the woman forcefully brush his air and clean him up like he doesn't have hand. He claims because he pay bills. He allows her one meals a day. She had been with him since she was 13 (In American soil?) . Josh says she doesn't need a friend because she had him. He put chain on her clike a kind of slave.

He says his household is his business. He says he is his wife's master so he had right to treat her anyway he wants. At a point he admitted he needed help psychologically. This is an edition of a programme on Sony Channels anchored. The programmed is anchored by Trisha. It is so emotionally laden that you keep on asking yourself the question; this happens in America too? So domestic abuse is not a black or colour people thing alone? There is no more justice in America anymore? The bill of right does not have domestic abuse section anymore?

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